“Unlocking the Truth: How Parents’ Hilariously Brutal Notes Reveal Their Secret Superpowers!”
This Mom Is Smart
This mom is smart. She knows you won’t forget your phone, but you will forget that cake she spent four hours making.
This note is short and foolproof. At least, we hope.
Mom Has Had It With Your Bathroom Usage
This mom knows exactly what her son has been up to in the bathroom. We may have bleeped out what it was, but you know it wasn’t showering that this guy was doing in there.
Needless to say, this mom is tired of having crusty towels in her bathroom and is about to take some drastic measures to stop it.
Mom Knows You Ain’t Slick
This is why you just don’t let your parents do your laundry. This person may have put the clothes in the wash themselves, but Mom took it upon herself to fold them. That’s when she found a certain surprise in the pocket.
She handled it with perfect sarcasm and if anything, she’s more concerned about where you put her clear tape!
Mom And Dad Know What You’re Up To, Joshua
Looks like Joshua is having a little too much fun after hours. If anything, he should perhaps lock his doors if he’s going to sneak around his parents.
It’s surprising that he got away with sneaking more than one girl into his room in the first place, which is probably why his parents don’t seem that mad. They just want him to stay safe out there.