“Unmasking Gym Etiquette: 7 Shocking Habits You Didn’t Know Were Ruining Your Workout!”
Unless they’re breaking one of the aforementioned rules, don’t take a photo of any at the gym…ok, and even if they are breaking the rules – don’t do it.
Don’t Make Personal Calls While on the Treadmill
We’ve already mentioned proper phone etiquette when at the gym, but here’s another. Under no circumstances should you use your time on the treadmill (or any other machine for that matter) to talk on your phone.
Walking on the treadmill can be monotonous, but no one wants to hear the person next to them talk to their best friend about the latest gossip for 45 minutes. Save the call for another time and instead, try listening to an audio book or upbeat playlist.
Don’t Hold That Stretch
As important as stretching is when you live an active life, there’s a time and place for certain types. There is static stretching (hang ten, flamingo, butterfly, etc) and there is dynamic which is high knees and things of that sort.
Before lifting, it’s common that people will hold their static stretches. You need to cut that out and switch to more dynamic stretching before hitting the weights. Reports say that static can limit your performance.
Make Sure You Warm Up
We would be remiss if we didn’t tell you to warm up beforehand. Warming up is vital before any type of physical activity where you’re going to be pushing your body. You’re at high risk of injury and cramps if you dive in without a warm-up.