“Unmasking Gym Etiquette: 7 Shocking Habits You Didn’t Know Were Ruining Your Workout!”
Make Sure That Equipment Isn’t In Use
Sometimes, someone might go grab a sip of water from the fountain or run to the restroom for a brief moment. In their absence, he or she might leave out the weights in the area. Avoid picking those dumbbells and weights up.
Vladimir Bermudez, Ph.D., Group Fitness Instructor at Crunch in NYC advises you find your own weights. “If there’s equipment out, that usually means someone’s using it,” Bermudez informed. “There’s enough for everyone, so to take it out from the rack…yourself.”
Doing This Makes You RUDE
When you’re in your zone training and you’re moving around a lot, people around you should respect the area you’re in. It should go without saying that someone shouldn’t just prop their yoga mat in your space and begin doing the cow pose.
“When we’re training, especially if we’re traversing space, people with headphones that aren’t paying attention will put a mat down and start doing a floor-based exercise in the same line,” Rice said. “Which isn’t just annoying, it’s flat out rude.”
Don’t Act Like A Diva
The word diva has many different definitions. However, the one we’re focused on right now is the infamous gym diva. The person who thinks they’re above everyone else breaking a sweat is who we’re aiming this at.