“Unmasking Gym Etiquette: 7 Shocking Habits You Didn’t Know Were Ruining Your Workout!”

"Unmasking Gym Etiquette: 7 Shocking Habits You Didn't Know Were Ruining Your Workout!"

“If you’re going to take a spot in the middle of the class, don’t leave halfway through,” Bermudez says. “Is that a version of the ‘exit of the diva’?” Save your snobbiness for another venue please and thank you.


Stop Dropping Things…



don't drop


You probably hear and see this the most while at your local gym. That is, people using the weights and once they’re finished, dropping them to the ground and followed by a loud “thump.” Can we put an end to those days?


“People will be so fatigued after a set that they just throw their weights down, but this is a big safety hazard,” Cohen said. “Although you just pushed it to the limit, carefully place your weights down.”


Wear What’s Appropriate



dress for the part


One of the worst situations someone who is dedicated to the gym can have is forgetting their gym clothes. You’re off work at five, then hit the gym at 5:30, but you only have your work shoes on deck. What you need to do is go pick some up before heading to your workout.


“Converse and skater shoes are not OK to work out in,” Cohen added. “It isn’t safe for you to train if you aren’t wearing proper shoes, so invest in a great pair of workout sneakers.”


Respect The Machine Time Limits



stop talking


How long is too long while using a machine at the gym? During rush hour, there is usually a 30-minute to one-hour limit and people need to follow it. However, if someone is hogging a machine, don’t let that be a reason for you to get out of character.

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