“Unmasking Gym Etiquette: 7 Shocking Habits You Didn’t Know Were Ruining Your Workout!”

"Unmasking Gym Etiquette: 7 Shocking Habits You Didn't Know Were Ruining Your Workout!"

“While I understand that there are [time] limitations on machines during rush hour for a reason, and those should be respected, it’s rude to stand and give death eyes at someone if they are dominating a machine,” Aly Teich, founder of The Sweat Life, said. “Kindly remind them their time is up, or be creative and get your cardio in another way!”


Don’t Pull Your Phone Out In the Middle of a Class



turn off the phone


Our phones have become almost a necessity this day and age. Some of us are lucky and haven’t developed a dependency on them, while others can’t keep them out of their hands for more than ten minutes. In a gym session, you need to learn from the former. Take it from one instructor who had a cycling class attendee who was a little too into the music.


“Unless you’re rocking a sweet Apple Watch on your wrist, your phone with your Shazam app should stay in your bag. Wait until after class to ask the instructor about any and every song you like,” says Sarah Shelton, the instructor at Cycle House LA.


Do You Need To Save A Spot?



no savesies


Going to the gym with a friend can make your workout way more enjoyable. When you’re alone, that extra bit of motivation must come from within instead of from your gym buddy. If your partner is going to be late, don’t bother saving them a spot.


“People take their spot in class very seriously,” Cohen said. “There are a lot of factors like mirror space and fan placement which help people decide where to be in the room. Sometimes your friend doesn’t even show up and you are left looking like a fool.”

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