“Unmasking Gym Etiquette: 7 Shocking Habits You Didn’t Know Were Ruining Your Workout!”

"Unmasking Gym Etiquette: 7 Shocking Habits You Didn't Know Were Ruining Your Workout!"

“I think people don’t understand or respect the volume of requests and tasks front desk staff has to deal with,” Aly Teich said. “Being rude to anyone is never acceptable, but this is something I see a lot.”


Save Water!



long showers


While the showers at the gym aren’t attached to the water bill at home that you must pay, that doesn’t give you the freedom to take the longest showers you’ve ever had. There are others that need to get in and rinse off as well.


Men and ladies tend to take extremely long showers in the bathrooms after a grueling workout. Pull yourself together and shorten those cleansing times. The world doesn’t revolve around your hygiene needs.


They Have Lockers For A Reason



use lockers


You know they have lockers available at most gyms? Now that you know better, we hope that you do better. No one wants to see the clutter of your jacket and bags in the aisles as you finish your last rep.


“Don’t put your gym bag, purse, or any luggage next to the bike or on the handlebars,” Bermudez said. “Just like in planes, buses and trains, please keep the aisle free.” Plus, you don’t want anyone to trip up.


Put the Phone Away



phone at the gym


We’re all a little too addicted to our phones, but when you’re at the gym, it’s important to keep your phone usage to a minimum. Some people use fitness apps to help them work out, but your phone should be a helpful tool, not a distraction. If you find that you’re going to your fitness app, but then winding up on Instagram, you might have a problem.

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