“Unmasking the Bias: 60 Iconic Films That Missed Women’s Perspectives in Their Storytelling”

"Unmasking the Bias: 60 Iconic Films That Missed Women’s Perspectives in Their Storytelling"

EDIT: I forgot, he is also nearly r*ped in a gas station bathroom by another man, and this is played for laughs. The movie is really bad.

GalacticShoestring Report


See Also on Bored Panda

Anything written by Quentin Tarantino – he’s created some kick-a*s female characters but he’s also created some 1-dimensional ones that sound exactly like him – and he *always* manages to get a prolonged shot of their feet in there.

JCDU Report

I have a tv show. Though I enjoyed it until like most fans season 8, I’m going to say Game Of Thrones t. v. adaptation. Which they made even more sexist and vulgar than the book. The books G. R. R. M. had history as a reason and the books are very good. The show much was added, changed, and gratuitous. The ending says it all.

SkynetAlpha8 Report

Time Traveler’s Wife- Eric Bana appears in front of a child version of Rachel McAdams’ character multiple times (in the nude btw) and tells her about how she’s going to end up married to him in the future. At least she does call him out on the manipulation when she’s an adult, but it’s still icky. The book the movie was based on was written by a woman, so maybe it plays out differently in the book.

reach4theskyy Report


See Also on Bored Panda

Adventurer in brown hat examines golden idol, amid movie portrayal controversies. Not the worst offender by far, but on a recent rewatch I was kinda shocked at how patronizing and at times outright misogynistic the Indiana Jones movies are. I never clocked that when I watched them as a child. But Jesus, I had to do a double take when it was implied that he slept with his love interest in the past when she was underage and his student. Like, I am sorry WTF did you just say?

Key-Pace2960 Report

A man and woman stand surprised in a cluttered room, illustrating movies' portrayal of women. “There’s Something About Mary” Just watched it this morning and that exact thought kept popping up
everytime a joke was made.

LukaJoestar Report

Not the worst on this list, but Bladerunner 2049. The women they bothered to have on screen were literally disposable objects.

(The original wasn’t much better.).

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