“Unmasking the Bias: 60 Iconic Films That Missed Women’s Perspectives in Their Storytelling”

"Unmasking the Bias: 60 Iconic Films That Missed Women’s Perspectives in Their Storytelling"

Suddenly she’s impregnated by Seth Rogan after a one night stand. She seems to *loathe* this man. Like cannot stand him for longer than a couple minutes. And his character is written to be so gross and obnoxious, it makes sense no woman would want to be around him. But of course, since this movie about pregnancy centers on a man, he goes from annoying and disgusting to “not” and that’s the major arc of the movie. He’s also *horrible* to her as a partner and expectant father, which is simply glossed over.

Everyone in this woman’s life tells her not to have this baby. Her mom and sister are very stressed out for her, her mom even urges her to have an abortion. Other than sit there with a stupid look on her face, the pleas of her family have no effect on her. She also has to hide the pregnancy from all her friends AND everyone at work, lest she be fired (wow Judd, could have written an entire movie on this premise alone. Too bad the movie about pregnancy was just a vehicle for Seth Rogan jokes.)

The movie could have introduced the female lead as a devout Catholic, which would have explained why she was not only against abortion, but also wasn’t using birth control. She could have been 15-20 years older and always wanted a child but was too wrapped up in her career. We could have opened the movie with her leaving her husband or long term partner after they reach an impasse about having children or not. S**t, the story could have taken place in a state with restrictive abortion laws instead of California. But no. We get absolutely no reasoning for why this woman would make such an extreme and life changing decision.

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