“Unmasking the Bias: 60 Iconic Films That Missed Women’s Perspectives in Their Storytelling”

"Unmasking the Bias: 60 Iconic Films That Missed Women’s Perspectives in Their Storytelling"

Beepbeepboobop1 Report


I feel like this is basically every movie until “Clueless.”

My boyfriend likes a lot of movies from the 70s and he’s always watched them through a “filmmaker’s eye” and never watched them with a woman. When we watch them together I always end up telling him how problematic the film is afterwards. I’m a bummer. But, it’s not my fault – I didn’t write this trash!

ZipperJJ Report

Three women in colorful outfits walk confidently at a party, highlighting the portrayal of women in movies. I watched the first few minutes of American Pie: Girls Rules and turned it off because it was so blatantly written by men and i was not about to subject myself to an hour and a half of a stupid movie written by stupid men about ***adolescent female sexuality***. like, just f**k no. i didn’t even bother with googling the writers, it was THAT obvious. a critic also said the same thing.

AnneMarieAndCharlie Report


I always loved how John Favro droned on about “Staging” in REAL kitchens because he wanted the movie to be sooooo authentic, and then he shoehorned in the fact that both Scarlet Johansson and Sophia Vergara’s characters’ just found him so irresistibly sexy that they couldn’t control themselves.

You know, for the authentic realism, because every drop dead gorgeous woman I know is just dying to find a man who looks like a 50 year old John Favro, but has no money or fame.

jeffprobstslover Report


Naruto. There’s a pervert who creeps on girls at the waterfall played for laughs. Including the main character (male) morphing into a naked girl using shape change powers as the only way to make the mentor pay attention. Also just terrible writing of the female characters (and that’s from fans who ignore the other part).

CydewynLosarunen Report

Indecent Proposal. Hated, hated, hated the movie. Woman goes with the old rich guy. 🤮.

humbugonastick Report

Young man in a dimly lit room wearing VR gear, exemplifying how movies often inaccurately portray women. Ready Player One was a major one for me – I mean, the book alone already gives me the ick but the whole “All my problems are fixed because I’m finally loved even though I’m soooo ugly!!” s**t from the protagonist’s love interest was especially ridiculous in the movie, considering that they gave her a tiny, faded red mark, which you couldn’t even SEE in most scenes because of the lightning.

tired_garbage Report


Two men in a sports-themed children's bedroom, reflecting movies' portrayal of women. Just watched Daddy’s Home (Will Ferrel and Mark Wahlberg) with my parents. As someone who’s just coming out of an emotionally abusive relationship with a narcissist, I was floored by the amount of gaslighting played for comedy on display in that movie.

Both of those men were treating the wife character as an object to be won. It’s was pretty gross. If I was watching it on my own I would have turned it off 10 mins in.

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