“Unmasking the Deception: 50 Everyday Items That Deserve a Major Rename!”
This means that, like their larger relatives, female koalas carry their young in pouches, nurturing them until they’re ready to face the world.
Ectopic pregnancy. Tissue growing outside the uterus in an almost malignant fashion that has no chance of viability and will probably k*ll the afflicted person is not in any sense a “pregnancy”. The name needs to be changed to reflect the medical condition that it is.
Also, have you ever wondered about “dry cleaning”? It sounds like a process that doesn’t involve water, but in reality, your clothes do get wet—just not with water. Instead, they’re cleaned with special chemicals.
Sex wax sounds like something used to make certain body parts slippery. In reality, it is used to make a surfboard not so slippery.
“Unloosen” , as in shoe laces – means the exact same thing as “loosen”. Grammatically correct but logically ridiculous. Absurd even. I might write a letter to my senator.
Baby aspirin.