“Unmasking the Manipulators: 12 Surprising Tactics Narcissists Use When They Know You’ve Discovered Their Game”
1. They Become Very Charming

When narcissists feel like they’re under pressure, they often dial up the charm to almost theatrical levels. Suddenly, they’re full of compliments, treating you like royalty and showering you with affection. This offensive charm is more of a diversion tactic to confuse you about their true intentions.
The flattery can be quite intoxicating, making it easy to overlook the red flags you’ve noticed lately. Beware, it usually doesn’t last very long!
2. Shifting Blame

When cornered, instead of owning up to their behavior, they’ll often turn the conversation around and suggest you’re the problem. They might say something like, “If you hadn’t reacted that way, we wouldn’t be in this situation.”
This blame-shifting can leave you second-guessing your reactions. Understand that their need to shift blame stems from a desire to keep control and dodge responsibility for their actions.
3. Becoming Overly Critical

When tensions rise, narcissists might bring out their inner critic with gusto. They’ll highlight your flaws and point out every minor mistake as if they’ve suddenly assumed the role of an authority in your life.
This excessive criticism often attempts to distract you from their own shortcomings. “You’re such a mess!” they might say, using criticism as a tool to assert their dominance.
4. Isolating You

“I’m the only one who really cares about you.” Sound familiar? When narcissists feel their control slipping, they may resort to isolation tactics. This can manifest as subtly discouraging your relationships with friends and family, suggesting that they don’t understand you the same way they do.