“Unmasking the Manipulators: 12 Surprising Tactics Narcissists Use When They Know You’ve Discovered Their Game”
8. Sudden Indifference

Another noticeable behavior is sudden indifference towards you. They might suddenly shift from being very attentive to ignoring you. This will leave you scratching your head wondering where the charming person went and who this new wet towel you’re with is.
One moment, they’re full of affection, and the next, it seems like they’re a bit preoccupied. They’re basically punishing you by creating an emotional distance.
9. Minimizing Your Feelings

When faced with questions about their behavior, narcissists might use minimization as a defense mechanism. They might say things like, “You’re overreacting. It’s really not that big of a deal,” which can invalidate your feelings.
This can be really frustrating, leaving you feeling unheard and invisible. By recognizing this tactic, you can find support from those who truly care about your experiences.
10. Using Others as Pawns

When narcissists feel threatened, they may sneakily get your friends or family to become unwitting accomplices. They often spread rumors or half-truths, casting you in a negative light while presenting themselves as misunderstood.
They might say, “Please talk to her, I think she needs help. I just want what’s best for everyone,” twisting the narrative to elicit sympathy and support. By involving others, they create divisions in your relationships and strengthen their version of events.