“Unmasking the Muppets: The Surprising Secrets of Kermit’s Colorful Legacy!”
Fozzie’s Namesake

Many people seem to believe that Fozzie was named after his puppeteer, Frank Oz. This is a misconception, though, as he was actually named after Faz Fazakas, a puppet constructor.
Fazakas reportedly designed the mechanism that allows Fozzie’s signature ears to move. Up next, we have an interesting fact about the puppets’ design!
A Recessive Trait

Most, if not all, of “The Muppets” characters are left- handed. This is to allow for the puppeteers to move the character using their right hand.
We’re so glad that puppet designers like Faz Fazakas know to think of these things ahead of time! It’s a fact you’ll always notice from this point on.
British Roots

“The Muppets” began as a show for British children. Creator Jim Henson wanted to create the show for American audiences, but he didn’t have any luck pitching it to studios stateside.
Only after the success of the show in the United Kingdom did American producers start to show interest in buying the rights to the show.
Disney’s Partial Purchase

When Disney bought “The Muppets” franchise from the Henson family in 2003, they didn’t spend the money to buy some of the newer characters.
They only own “Muppets Classics,” like Kermit and Fozzie. That’s why you don’t see Sesame Street friends or the Fraggles on the show’s reboot!