“Unmasking the Scares: 50 Haunt Workers Reveal the Shocking Moments That Made Them Lose It!”
Not me, but my friends and I were walking through and there was this girl with make up to look like she had a slit throat and just sat there and said “do you wanna play” and he responded with “nah I‘m not ticklish“ she said it again and he said with quite a bit of force and said “Look woman… I AM NOT IN THE MOOD FOR KICKBALL!” and she broke out laughing.
Mine from a previous post;.
In my high school haunting years there was a fairgrounds haunt with three separate attractions/houses, mine being a called The Mineshaft I do believe. I was positioned at the end of a hallway, proceeding a maze, with a 180 degree corner/turn the patrons had to make to continue thru the haunt. A light above, in the corner, gave me a great hiding place. Pair this with some black clothes, black trench coat (cause I was an edgy teen), a black leather mask and now I’m a cross between Bane & the gimp (a la Pulp Fiction).
Now my job was a simple jump scare with a twist, or more a shovel. Per instructions, I was to strike the shovel on the ground as patrons approached, yielding a nice reaction 70% of the time. Nothing too dramatic, just gasps, jumps and some screams. As time went on in this post I also discover that the shovel blade plus concrete could produce a spark when struck right.
Enter the couple in grey sweats.
I hope, as long as I live, that I never forget the couple in grey sweats. In haunts it’s easy to hear if there’s a lively group approaching and they were no exceptions.