“Unmasking the Scares: 50 Haunt Workers Reveal the Shocking Moments That Made Them Lose It!”

"Unmasking the Scares: 50 Haunt Workers Reveal the Shocking Moments That Made Them Lose It!"

What made me break character was this boyfriend and girlfriend, looked to be in high school, and I saw that the girlfriend was grabbing her boyfriend very closely and looked to be unnerved by the whole house. Boyfriend kept telling her that it was alright and reassuring her. By this time they were walking down this corridor that I’m facing down, and comes my turn to scare. I can make a really good sort of “zombie screech” and it’s exactly what I did. To my surprise the boyfriend jumped back but the girlfriend just stood still for about 5 seconds. She then slowly started walking back and collapsed to the floor, sobbing hysterically and wouldn’t move. The boyfriend went up to her and tried to reassure her but she kept crying.

At this point I broke character and asked if she was okay and if I could help. It took about two minutes of reassurance before we both helped her out of the house, still sobbing. It definitely looked to be a panic attack and I was glad I was able to help, but also a bit bummed about ruining their night and causing that distress to the girl. It all comes with the territory for sure though.

iGamerAlex , MART PRODUCTION/Pexels Report


50 Haunted House Employees Share The Things People Did To Make Them Break Character I was only about 17 and took a job at a hauted house. I would travel the waiting line and try to creep people out. Long black robe, great ghoulish makeup. A little girl got VERY upset with me and began crying miserably and her parents tried to calm her. I dropped to my knees and took my hood down and showed her that it was just makeup by removing some with my fingers, speaking calmly the whole time (“It’s okay, it’s just me playing, I’m sorry I scared you, etc”). She was fine after a minute or so, but that was the last time I did that bit. I remember how the movie IT got to me so hell no. I still wonder about her every Halloween lol.

Sauerteig , Beyza Kaplan/Pexels Report

50 Haunted House Employees Share The Things People Did To Make Them Break Character Probably the time a guy came in drunk as f**k and kissed me on the lips did I mention I am a guy I said if you want to go any further you’re going to have to take me out to dinner and that made his group laugh so hard they nearly pissed themselves and no I am not gay.

rhog , Gerardo Manzano/Pexels Report


50 Haunted House Employees Share The Things People Did To Make Them Break Character I worked at Field of Screams (in hindsight, a terrible place to work, we were unpaid volunteers and treated worse than that).

ANYWAY, I worked at the very first section of the Nocturnal Wasteland (an outdoor haunted trail). And I was one of the first scares. It was great. Nobody expects to be jumpscared that early, so my scares were 90% successful.
So I have two stories:

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