“Unmasking the Scares: 50 Haunt Workers Reveal the Shocking Moments That Made Them Lose It!”
1. A girl and her parents wanted to find the exit as soon as they stepped past the entrance. Like the girl was coming out of the entrance screaming in fear. I guess the entrance triggered a panic attack. I didn’t know what to do. I tried my best to not break character, so I just used hand signals (I had a mask on and it was too loud to talk anyway). I held my hand up to stop the rest of the group and motioned for the terrified family to break away, then motioned for the group to continue. I led the family to the “exit” which was a narrow walkway the VIP members use to skip to the front of the line. It was the only exit that was this close to the entrance that would cause the least trouble, as the regular line was full. The parents thanked me and I nodded and went back to scaring. Nobody trained us for those situations.
2. One of the scares I did was crawling on the floor and grabbing at the victims feet (without touching them). It was outside after dark and very low lit, so I was always a surprise to everyone. One time, after scaring the crowd, I was clawing at the ground and howling and whatnot to keep them uncomfortable. This lady, completely straight faced and unphased, just full on stomps on my hand. I was dumbfounded. What made her think that that was okay? I wasn’t touching anyone. She wasn’t afraid or acting out of fear, she just straight up smashed my hand and kept walking like she was tough shet. I was a frail timid 13 year old little girl. I couldn’t do anything but shrink away and scamper back to my hiding place/break station to collect myself.