“Unmasking the Truth: Hanah Noelle’s Stunning ‘Gym’ Transformation Sparks Fierce Debate Over Weight Loss and Looks!”

"Unmasking the Truth: Hanah Noelle's Stunning 'Gym' Transformation Sparks Fierce Debate Over Weight Loss and Looks!"

“During Covid, I gained over 50 pounds [22 kilograms] from unhealthy eating habits and no exercise. I had a habit of overeating and snacking when I wasn’t hungry, especially because I was not able to stay active outside.”

“My focus was not weight-training or gaining muscle mass, as I wanted to target slimming my figure,” the 21-year-old explained

Image credits: haninoelle

In college, she decided to prioritize her health and began incorporating exercise into her routine.

“After entering college with the end of quarantine, I gradually lost around 10-15 pounds [4-6 kilograms] with a busier schedule and staying active on campus.

“The first photo of me is from November 2022, which is when I decided to start working on myself. I began to take Pilates lessons, and incorporated a healthier meal plan to attain my metabolism from pre-Covid.

“My focus was not weight-training or gaining muscle mass, as I wanted to target slimming my figure.

“The last photo of me is from December 2023, and since then, I’ve maintained my weight by continuing to eat healthy and consistently staying active.”

Image credits: haninoelle

Hanah said she specifically focuses on workouts that target her waist and thighs and wears clothes she feels flatter her body type.

“I am not trying to promote unhealthy or unnatural weight loss, but rather share the progress that I have made over time. I have been a full-time college student since 2021 with several internships, and I have not had time to get any cosmetic procedures done to my body.

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