“Unmasking the Unseen: 15 Surprising Double Standards Women Encounter Daily That Will Change Your Perspective”

"Unmasking the Unseen: 15 Surprising Double Standards Women Encounter Daily That Will Change Your Perspective"

Ever notice how society loves to scribble on the lines between what’s expected of men and women? It’s as if we’re living in a world riddled with double standards that just won’t quit, and frankly, it can be exhausting. From the family dynamics at home to the boardrooms of corporate America, these oddities dictate how we think, feel, and interact. You’d think we’d have moved past the odd expectations of yesteryear, but alas, ingrained societal norms die hard! Women are still held to impossibly high standards, expected to juggle careers and family while often receiving a side-eye for any misstep. Meanwhile, men get a pat on the back for doing the bare minimum. So, why does it take a personal experience or a buddy’s pointed comment to wake us up to these quirks? Join me as we delve into these everyday double standards that seem to persist despite all our efforts to embrace equality. Trust me—you’re going to want to stay tuned for this one! LEARN MORE.

Our society has blatantly unreasonable double standards when it comes to gender roles and what is expected from men and women, from the family to the workplace and everything in between. These omnipresent contradictions affect our relationships, how we see others, and even our life paths. While women have come a long way in fighting for gender equality, there is still a deep-seated difference in the way women vs. men are treated (and expected to behave) in everyday life.

For many of these standards, we may not even stop to think about how absurd they are until we experience them firsthand or a close friend or family member mentions how nonsensical something is.

These standards, shared by people online, are some of the most frustrating double standards still in existence today. Despite the shifts in societal values, some of these seem to be harder to shake than others.

1. Parenting Responsibilities

Family Time
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.com.

Just like charity, some of the most glaring double standards begin at home. In many cultures, mothers are often seen as the primary caregivers, while fathers caring for their children is called “babysitting.”

Fatherhood is viewed as secondary, often leading to disparities in expectations and support. This has led to the idea of the “default parent,” where most of the burden of parenting is silently put on one parent’s shoulder (most often the mom).

2. Parenting vs Career

A female Childcare teacher Supporting the child in Learning through game
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.com.

A father involved in his children’s lives is commended and praised as if he’s sacrificing a lot by trying to strike a balance between job and family. A mother is often pushed to higher standards of caring and condemned for favoring profession over family—and ironically, vice versa (moms are often shamed for staying home too).

With some of these standards, it can feel impossible to win no matter what choice is made.

3. Showing Emotions

Couple Patch-up
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.com.

A woman being emotional is accepted as normal, while a man showing emotion is discouraged and viewed as not masculine enough. Society tells men not to cry, but women who don’t show much emotion are cold-hearted.

Thankfully, this narrative is slowly changing as self-expression and vulnerability become normalized.

4. Displaying Anger Publicly

A woman and a man fighting while sitting on a sofa
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.com.

When it comes to emotions, men’s expressing anger seems justified and reasonable. On the other hand, women who express anger in public are criticized for being overly emotional and unreasonable. Women of certain races are judged more harshly for displaying anger.

However, these days, anyone causing a scene- man or woman- will likely be filmed and ridiculed on social media channels as a “Karen.”

5. Owning a Car

buying a car
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.com.

Regardless of gender, a few double standards exist around money, too.

In today’s world, owning a car is more of a necessity than a luxury, but some people choose not to own one anyway. If a wealthy person doesn’t own a car, he’s celebrated as humble and sophisticated. A person who’s clearly not wealthy and does not own a vehicle is sometimes judged as cheap.

6. Wearing Ripped Clothes

Hole on the sleeve worn to holes fabric
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.com.

This is one more money-related than gender related too… Fashion keeps going in circles, and ripped clothes are now on sale with ridiculously high price tags (ripped jeans, anyone?). However, wearing torn clothes because you’re poor and can’t afford new ones is looked down upon, and you may be called trashy or worse.  

7. Dating Older People

Young man having lunch with old woman
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.com.

Older women dating younger men is considered one of the scandals of the modern dating scene; it’s the stuff that makes tabloid headlines. On the other end of the pendulum are older males dating younger women, which is frequently accepted as normal, even expected.

8. Parental Leave

Young dad working on laptop and taking care of his baby son
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.com.

In another parenting confusion, women are expected to take maternity leave without inquiry. Men, on the other hand, experience stigma or negative consequences for taking paternity leave. It looks like they don’t need this, but the women do. This downplays the importance of parental bonding and offers much-needed help for moms recovering from birth.

9. Promiscuity Meter

Girl is hugging a guy but guy cheating with her
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.com.

You must have heard it said that men are naturally polygamous, excusing and possibly praising men who have multiple partners. It’s unheard of and scandalous for a woman to have several sexual partners.

10. Personal Grooming

Man Shaving Face in Front of Mirror
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.com.

A man not keen on personal grooming is lauded for being masculine and “rough on the edges.” Some people even prefer the unkempt, unshaven look in men. Compared to males, women are often pressured to invest more time and money on grooming and dressing to impress.

11. Make-up

Girl Wearing Pyjamas Putting On Make Up In Bedroom
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.com.

Women seem to lose the battle regarding their general appearance, and the decision to wear makeup is divisive. If you choose to wear makeup, you’re branded fake if it’s “too much,” while keeping a naked face means you’re too plain.

12. Living on a Farm

Portrait of family with small children standing on farm, holding basket with eggs.
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.com.

Whether you’re a man or woman, living far from the city on a small (or large) farm, working and feeding chickens and horses doesn’t look cool unless you’re rich. The rich living on a farm are considered classy and exotic.

Beautiful boho women in white cotton dresses symbolize modern-day homesteading, which is ridiculous in its own right.

13. Living in Your Car

Motorhome on road
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.com.

How society views living in your car purely depends on whether you’re rich or poor. The rich living in their car is considered cool and unconventional, while a poor person living in their vehicle is desperate and tacky. These days, a mix of both live in their vans “down by the river.”

If you’re a woman living in your van, you must be particularly crazy.

14. Religious Garments

Mans wear Odd Cultural dress Buddhist monks in Lao
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.com.

When people from particular religious groups wear traditional clothing, such as turbans or hijabs, they might face violence or discrimination, particularly women. Ironically, comparable clothing is frequently hailed as fashionable or unusual when worn by people not affiliated with these religions for cultural or fashion purposes.

15. Gender Wage Gap

stress woman with man holding money cash poor
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.com.

The world has seen some of the worst wage double standards, as men are paid more for no justifiable reason. Research shows that, on average, women are still paid 16% less than males, even when the men aren’t necessarily doing more or heavier work.

These persistent contradictions demonstrate how prejudiced our society can be, even in the face of efforts to foster equity. They remind us that true equality is still a work in progress,
recognizing and addressing personal biases is a crucial step toward achieving true equality.


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confused couple at their computer with their paperwork
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.com.

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frustrated man in debt money
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.com.

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black and white photo vintage kids on a slide
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.com.

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