“Unmasking the Unseen: 15 Surprising Double Standards Women Encounter Daily That Will Change Your Perspective”

"Unmasking the Unseen: 15 Surprising Double Standards Women Encounter Daily That Will Change Your Perspective"

These standards, shared by people online, are some of the most frustrating double standards still in existence today. Despite the shifts in societal values, some of these seem to be harder to shake than others.

1. Parenting Responsibilities

Family Time
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.com.

Just like charity, some of the most glaring double standards begin at home. In many cultures, mothers are often seen as the primary caregivers, while fathers caring for their children is called “babysitting.”

Fatherhood is viewed as secondary, often leading to disparities in expectations and support. This has led to the idea of the “default parent,” where most of the burden of parenting is silently put on one parent’s shoulder (most often the mom).

2. Parenting vs Career

A female Childcare teacher Supporting the child in Learning through game
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.com.

A father involved in his children’s lives is commended and praised as if he’s sacrificing a lot by trying to strike a balance between job and family. A mother is often pushed to higher standards of caring and condemned for favoring profession over family—and ironically, vice versa (moms are often shamed for staying home too).

With some of these standards, it can feel impossible to win no matter what choice is made.

3. Showing Emotions

Couple Patch-up
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.com.

A woman being emotional is accepted as normal, while a man showing emotion is discouraged and viewed as not masculine enough. Society tells men not to cry, but women who don’t show much emotion are cold-hearted.

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