“Unmasking the Unseen: 15 Surprising Double Standards Women Encounter Daily That Will Change Your Perspective”
Thankfully, this narrative is slowly changing as self-expression and vulnerability become normalized.
4. Displaying Anger Publicly
When it comes to emotions, men’s expressing anger seems justified and reasonable. On the other hand, women who express anger in public are criticized for being overly emotional and unreasonable. Women of certain races are judged more harshly for displaying anger.
However, these days, anyone causing a scene- man or woman- will likely be filmed and ridiculed on social media channels as a “Karen.”
5. Owning a Car
Regardless of gender, a few double standards exist around money, too.
In today’s world, owning a car is more of a necessity than a luxury, but some people choose not to own one anyway. If a wealthy person doesn’t own a car, he’s celebrated as humble and sophisticated. A person who’s clearly not wealthy and does not own a vehicle is sometimes judged as cheap.
6. Wearing Ripped Clothes
This is one more money-related than gender related too… Fashion keeps going in circles, and ripped clothes are now on sale with ridiculously high price tags (ripped jeans, anyone?). However, wearing torn clothes because you’re poor and can’t afford new ones is looked down upon, and you may be called trashy or worse. Â
7. Dating Older People
Older women dating younger men is considered one of the scandals of the modern dating scene; it’s the stuff that makes tabloid headlines. On the other end of the pendulum are older males dating younger women, which is frequently accepted as normal, even expected.