“Unprecedented Magic: How Onyx Storm is Captivating Readers and Transforming Bookstores Like Never Before!”

"Unprecedented Magic: How Onyx Storm is Captivating Readers and Transforming Bookstores Like Never Before!"

Onyx Storm, the highly-anticipated third book in the Empyrean series, released this Tuesday, January 21

Image credits: Katie Marie Seniors / elleusa

“This level of fan devotion hasn’t been seen since the days of Harry Potter,” said Rebekah West, the editorial director of the Little, Brown’s Piaktus imprint, to the Telegraph. 

And although Yarros was only able to attend a bustling midnight release party held in Los Angeles, thousands of other events were held all across North America. 


One fan, Mollie Short, shared how her experience went when she attended a party at Waterstones in Trafalgar Square, London.

Image credits: Rebecca Yarros

“We got given goody bags and there were people dressed up as characters, and then there was a quiz that everyone played,” she recalled. 

“The night went pretty quickly, and then we all queued up ready for the midnight release. It was nice being in a room surrounded with people that actually understand what I’m talking about.”

According to USA Today, many venues contained Glambot photo experiences, local artists giving out temporary tattoos, as well as tables set for dragon-themed friendship bracelets. 

And fans, undoubtedly, showed up, as they entered the event in leather outfits, braids, and the occasional dragon onesie — all huge pillars in the best-selling series.

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