“Unraveled Secrets: How a Simple Laundry Day Exposed a Neighbor’s Illicit Business Operation”
“However, if not directly exposed to the detergents, this will have less effect on the chakras or the general well-being of the person,” adds Lenders. “Many things contribute to the misalignment of the chakras, not only a dose of laundry detergent. Chakras become misaligned over time with many different situations and things.”
So what’s this expert’s opinion on the woman’s post? “As a healing facilitator who has chosen to live in a community of properties, my take is that I cannot control the actions of others around me,” she tells us. “I am respectful of their spaces and their needs, as I expect them to be of mine. We are co-creating and it is important to bring elements of love, respect and peace. I do not only see things from my perspective, but also the perspectives of others.”
Lenders says she sometimes holds sessions with clients in her own home. “I would never expect my neighbors to not hang their washing up on the line because it is their own space and I respect that,” she adds. “I would say that both parties have agreed to live in a community-based living space, so they need to respect each other and their needs.”
The expert believes the woman running the meditation circle hasn’t been sensitive to her neighbor’s needs, and says she would advise the neighbor to arrange a meeting to discuss how she feels. “She very well may end up with her very own blocked throat chakra if she doesn’t,” Lenders says, only half-joking. “It’s so important to speak up about how we feel and to address things. I always say we need to respond not react in these moments.”