“Unraveling Loyalty: Husband’s Shocking Departure After Wife’s C-Section Sparks Controversy”

It’s vital to support your partner and be by their side during labor. At the same time, you also have to remember to take care of yourself

Image credits: DC Studio / freepik (not the actual photo)

A man asked the internet to weigh in after sharing how he left his wife alone at the hospital for some time after she had a C-section


ADVERTISEMENTImage credits: DC Studio / freepik (not the actual photo)


Image credits: tincrumb

Labor can last for a while, and you may find yourself exhausted for very long stretches of time

Image credits: wavebreakmedia_micro / freepik (not the actual photo)

To put it simply, you should be there for your partner when they’re anxious and scared. It’s also natural to want to spend time with them after childbirth, which is a huge challenge, is physically and emotionally demanding, and is one of the most beautiful moments that will happen in your life.

But it’s also important to be practical. Childbirth and your stay at the hospital can last a very long while. As someone who’s there to support their partner in labor, you have to take care of yourself so that you can help them as much as you can.


You have to look at the basics first. When was the last time you ate? If you’re starving, what are your options? Is there a cafeteria at the hospital so you’re close to your partner? Are there any vending machines? Are there cafes or diners in the area? Do you have to go back home to cook?

Are you sleeping properly, and are you in a good enough state to look after your partner? Where are you sleeping? Are you staying at the hospital, or will you have to go back home?

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