“Unraveling Loyalty: Husband’s Shocking Departure After Wife’s C-Section Sparks Controversy”

The point is that if you can’t look after yourself, you won’t be able to support your partner properly. If you’re fainting or falling asleep from a lack of food or exhaustion, then you’re causing more problems than you’re solving.

So, obviously, your priority is to be there by your partner’s side. But this does not mean that it’s a non-stop process of holding their hand 24/7 for a week straight, whispering endless words of support.

You go stretch your legs. You grab a cup of mediocre coffee from the vending machine. You chat with the medical staff and the other patients. Nature calls, or you get hungry, or you go for a lap outside the hospital for a breath of fresh air.


Maybe you brought a book that you’re reading during downtime. Maybe you’re calling up your and your partner’s relatives to inform them of any developments. There’s a lot of things going on. And, of course, you’re nearby when your partner needs you.

C-sections have their fair share of pros and cons. But in some cases, they are a necessity to protect the mother and child

Image credits: peoplecreations / freepik (not the actual photo)

Something that can complicate things very quickly is if you have any health issues and the hospital can’t accommodate them.

For instance, if you have chronic back pain, you need a proper bed. Sure, you’ll push through the pain as long as you can, but at some point, you’ll hit your limit.

According to The Mother Baby Center, vaginal birth is less risky than a C-section. The former also has a shorter recovery time, namely 2 to 6 weeks versus 6 to 8 weeks.

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