“Unraveling Secrets: Police Discover Shocking Truth Behind Foul Odor in Abandoned House”
As it turns out, there were other people on the property. Both parties were in complete shock. This only made the police and experts more confused than they originally were.
They Were Digging Holes
When the team came face-to-face with the other people, they had shovels in their hands. Not only that, but they were digging holes as well. They appeared to be digging the holes as fast as they could and were surrounded by objects as well.
The team didn’t know what to make of it. Everything that they were expecting to find had just gone out of the window. Not only was the house not abandoned, but there were people there digging holes.
They Looked Guilty
When the police approached and asked what they were doing, unsurprisingly, they began acting strange. Now, everyone knew that something was definitely off about the whole situation.
The diggers looked like they were trying to hide something, a look the cops could see right through. As soon as the police moved closer, they dropped their shovels as if they had been caught. Yet, the team still didn’t quite understand what they would be guilty for, yet.
They Arrested The Suspects
As if they knew they were in trouble, the diggers immediately put their hands up in the air. There was no point in running, so their only option was cooperating. The police then assumed that they did something bad and followed protocol.