“Unraveling Secrets: Police Discover Shocking Truth Behind Foul Odor in Abandoned House”
After they had arrested the suspects, the police were able to go back inside to see what the people had been hiding. So, the authorities headed back into the trashed interior of the house and braved the smell once again.
The Floor Was Moving
Upon entering the rooms, it was clear that the interior of the house had been completely destroyed. Everything was falling apart, there was no light, and the ceilings and windows were covered in cobwebs.
They were still looking around to find the source of the foul stench when they discovered something unbelievable. The floor was moving in certain areas of the house. At first, they were startled until they finally realized what they were looking at.
There Were Tortoises Everywhere
Almost the entire floor was covered in tortoises that were packed in like sardines. There were so many that it looked like they made up the entire floor. The team was speechless as they stood in disbelief.
However, Randrianjafizanaka realized that these were no ordinary tortoises and had no clue where they had all come from. It was hard to look through the rest of the house because there were so many of them scattered everywhere.
They Are A Rare Species
Randrianjafizanaka knew there was something special about these tortoises, and she was right. The tortoises are rare and are known as radiated tortoises. They are rarely spotted in the wild and only a limited number of the species call Madagascar home.