“Unraveling the Shadows: 100+ Hours of Jeffrey Epstein’s Secret Tapes Surface Amid Murder Conspiracy Claims”

"Unraveling the Shadows: 100+ Hours of Jeffrey Epstein's Secret Tapes Surface Amid Murder Conspiracy Claims"

Even though two guards were disciplined for failing to monitor Epstein and falsifying records, Mark insisted the feds and paramedics are part of the cover-up because officials are refusing to hand over video of his brother’s corpse being transported from lockup to the hospital.

“They gave me some bullsh*t story, and they didn’t give it to me”, Mark said of the footage, comparing the sketchy scenario to the still unsolved JFK assassination.

RadarOnline.com submitted a Freedom of Information Act request in October for all videos and documents regarding Epstein’s death, but the authorities have yet to respond.

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