“Unraveling the Storm: Is Mother Nature Sending Us a Dire Warning?”
The Rudest Bush In The Garden

You know what they say, a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. This tree is here to show us otherwise.
Flipping the bird with your hand is way less cool than a few hundred flipped birds in a bush.
For The Birds

Birds don’t care about your property. They’re going to poop where they want to poop.
If you don’t want your car to get pooped on, you should probably move it out from under that tree full of birds. They didn’t come to you; you brought your vehicle to their toilet.
She Threw That Stick On Purpose

This chimp named Tushi threw a stick at a drone that was filming her enclosure at a zoo in The Netherlands.
Researchers say that she definitely planned ahead. The drone had already done a few practice flybys. When it came back for real, Tushi was ready for it.
Mother Nature Isn’t Very Maternal

Talk about a rude awakening. This is not a good way to wake up. Did the tree branch have to crash into the kids’ room of all places?
Move Tree, Get Out The Way

I think it’s actually the builder who was rude in this situation. Why would anybody build a garage right behind a giant tree? That’s the tree’s personal space.