“Unraveling the Truth: A Daughter’s DNA Test Uncovers a Shocking Family Secret That Changes Everything!”
What are the odds of that? Of course, it must be an absolute dream come true to be able to raise your children together and have them have built-in best friends for the years to come! Although being a mom is a far cry from their Playboy days, the girls remain as beautiful as ever!
Surprises To Come
You then send off your package in the mail and wait for your results. Results typically are able to tell you where your ancestors are originally from, sometimes you are even able to be linked to actual living relatives. The Dahm triplets decided to undertake this very process, except that instead of the privacy of their own home they were going to do it for an episode of The Doctors.
It would seem that the results would be very straightforward as the girls are identical triplets, which should mean they share identical DNA. No one would have been able to guess the astounding results!
Identical DNA?
After you submit the saliva sample to the company, it takes a few weeks before the DNA tests could be returned to you. The Dahm triplets underwent this exact same process. No one was expecting any kind of out of the ordinary surprises. After all, identical triplets mean identical DNA, doesn’t it? Lisa Guerrero, the Inside Edition journalist undertaking the project, was already doubtful about the reliability of the tests.
She thought perhaps the companies were simply more about crafty marketing than really being able to tell you are your ethnic or ancestral makeup. It would only be a short period of time before the girls would appear live on The Doctors and have their results revealed to them.