“Unraveling the Truth: A Daughter’s DNA Test Uncovers a Shocking Family Secret That Changes Everything!”

"Unraveling the Truth: A Daughter's DNA Test Uncovers a Shocking Family Secret That Changes Everything!"

Genetic Fascination





What a long journey Erica, Nicole, and Jaclyn have been on throughout their extraordinary life. First, they journey together through life as the rarity of triplets, then they book Playboy together, and now they are getting ready to have DNA results revealed about their genetic makeup live on television! One day, their biographies will certainly be an interesting read.


The girls also conceded that they are also interested in genetics and biology, especially because they originally intended on joining the health professions field as nurses. Perhaps, the girls would even be in a unique place to aid the industry due to their identical triplet status. The girls chose to go with the company 23andMe.


The Results





23andMe is known for their ancestral DNA testing but they are also known for offering testing which can reveal even more delicate information like health risks. When the time came for the girls to appear on the show their first results were relatively uninteresting. For one, it definitely showed that they were identical triplets. If you take a glance at the above photograph, this is definitely no surprise.


Apparently, the girls are so close in appearance that Erica is able to open up Nicole’s safe with her own fingerprints. Apparently, their fingerprints are almost identical which is a rarity even for multiple births. Wow!


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