“Unraveling the Truth: A Daughter’s DNA Test Uncovers a Shocking Family Secret That Changes Everything!”
Rebecca had no trace of her father’s DNA. In fact, there was hardly any Italian at all. The ancestry site even said that Rebecca and Joe were not related.
Joe Seemed To Be Out Of The Picture

“When we looked at the results, what we immediately noticed was that that there were no traces of Italian DNA in [Rebecca’s results] at all,” Joe told Good Morning America.
“Her DNA matched my wife’s pretty closely.” Since the results seemed half right, Joseph assumed that the ancestry site had made an error.
Could The Ancestry Company Have Messed Up?

Joe called the ancestry business and expressed his doubts. According to him, the employees gave him a step-by-step process for how they calculate a person’s DNA.
After Joe listened to the employees, he believed that the ancestry site could not have made a mistake. So what happened? And who was Rebecca’s father?
Perhaps Their IVF Went Wrong In 1994

The answer dates back to 1994. When Joe and Jennifer wanted a child, they pursued IVF.
IVF, or in vitro fertilization, removes eggs from a mother and then fertilizes them with the father’s sperm. After the egg is fertilized, it is put back into the mother. IVF is the most popular route for couples who struggle with infertility.