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Dr. Ania Jastreboff from Yale has been studying obesity extensively, and is an international leader in the field. She says obesity is a disease, and not a behavioral choice.
Jastreboff believes people with obesity have not been treated properly in the past. “If a patient has diabetes or hypertension, we provide them with treatment options, including medications, and recommend lifestyle changes,” said the expert. “But for individuals with obesity, for years we’ve been saying to eat less and exercise more, without giving patients the tools to target the pathophysiology of their disease.”
She adds that doctors need to treat patients with obesity the same way they treat patients with any other chronic disease. “We need to provide patients with options and treatment tools that target the biology of obesity while serving as guides on their health journey.”
The expert is optimistic that times are changing when it comes to obesity treatments. “Many developments are underway, including medications that can decrease fat mass while preserving or maybe even increasing lean mass,” said Jastreboff. “By treating one disease, obesity, we can treat or prevent 200 others, and, in so doing, transform the health and lives of our patients.”
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