“Unseen Footage Reveals Shocking Circumstances Behind Hilaria Baldwin’s Unexpected Deportation”

"Unseen Footage Reveals Shocking Circumstances Behind Hilaria Baldwin's Unexpected Deportation"

“Hilaria Baldwin has publicly stated that she moved to the United States in 2003 to attend college, and because there is no record of her obtaining a visa, we believe she has been illegally living and working in this country ever since,” said ICE spokesperson Darrell Winthrop, adding that agents seized what they presumed was a fraudulent birth certificate identifying her as Hillary Lynn Hayward-Thomas and listing her birthplace as Boston. “Though in recent years she has begun posing as an American, she has on numerous earlier occasions admitted she is Spanish.”

“Even as she spoke to our agents, Baldwin kept switching back and forth between American and Spanish accents,” he continued. “She was clearly faking it.”

According to residents of the building where Baldwin lived, the yoga instructor and entrepreneur talked “nonstop” about her childhood home in Spain, her passion for flamenco, and the beloved, handed-down paella recipe she got from her abuela. They said that when they spoke to her in the lobby or elevator, she would often stumble over basic English words, and even seemed to have trouble pronouncing her own married last name.

Cynthia Rosenbaum, 74, told reporters she wasn’t surprised to learn about her neighbor’s alleged undocumented status. Living on the floor below Baldwin and her husband, the actor Alec Baldwin, Rosenbaum said she grew frustrated with the noise produced by the couple’s seven children, adding that anytime she raised the matter, Hilaria would respond exclusively in Spanish and act as though she couldn’t understand Rosenbaum’s English.   

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