“Unseen Fury: Jaw-Dropping Space Photography Reveals the True Power of Storms Like Never Before!”

"Unseen Fury: Jaw-Dropping Space Photography Reveals the True Power of Storms Like Never Before!"

Before landing in Cuba in 2012, it was Category 2 storm, and grew to become the largest Atlantic hurricane on record with a diameter of over 900 miles. In the United States, the hurricane affected 24 states, including the entire eastern seaboard from Florida to Main and even reaching Michigan and Washington.


Hurricane Rina Scared People In The Surrounding Areas




In October 2011, Hurricane Rina was a powerful and slow-moving tropical cyclone in the northwestern Caribbean Sea. Developing from a tropical wave on October 23, it grew to become a hurricane by October 24. By the time Rina made landfall in Northern Quintana Roo, it had already risen to a Category 3 storm and back down to a tropical storm level.


Luckily, there wasn’t very much damage, costing only $2.3 million. Although the storm had been large at one point, by the time it reached land, it was no more than a bad storm although the surrounding areas were prepared for the worst.


Hurricane Irene Caused over $14 Billion In Damages




Hurricane Irene was a destructive tropical cyclone that affected areas in the Caribbean and the East Coast of the United States in August 2011. The storm is regarded as the 12th costliest hurricane in United State’s history causing over $14.2 billion in damage in all of the areas affected. Starting out as a tropical storm, it grew to be a Category 3 hurricane until it calmed and eventually dissipated nine days after it had started.

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