“Unseen Treasures: 46 Everyday Luxuries We Never Appreciated Until Now”

"Unseen Treasures: 46 Everyday Luxuries We Never Appreciated Until Now"


The general relative carefreeness and simplicity of life back then, mainly in high school and earlier. Not that I think anyone wants to go back to high school, but I do miss the days when only getting a detention was the biggest problem you faced.


My ability to run effortlessly for long distance. I am now an old couch potato and I can’t run for my life.


My body. Think most women can relate to looking back at pictures and thinking “wow, I was hot!” I just wish I would have flaunted my beauty more or taken advantage of it while I could. Like wearing the daring outfit in my closet that I thought was too sultry to be seen in public with. When you no longer have the option to wear it because it doesn’t fit, you realize you should have taken that chance.


Not having to care about making my own money.


Trying and failing. I wish I would have done this more.


Having disposable income.

I wish I had what I blew back then on dumb s**t.


Well, I definitely regret not appreciating the fact that I could eat a whole pizza and not gain a pound. #MetabolismMatters.

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