You go to college after high school to focus on a career you want to pursue. Then, you realize the job you have is eating you alive.
You know that after you’ve wasted resources on what you intended to pursue a career which you now must re-evaluate.
Young People Seeking Advice
It’s so unsettling the first time a kid asks for your advice when you’re an adult. The first time you tell a kid they need to get the okay from an adult to do something, only to realize that you are the adult — doesn’t it feel strange being someone who has authority?
The best way to keep friendships from becoming fragile is just around the corner.
Loneliness Creeps Up
Most of your friends are doing their own thing only because their significant other is their best friend and support system.
That’s not the case for all people though and crippling loneliness can set in. It’s even more challenging to meet someone “naturally” instead of using apps like Tinder.
Accepting That Your Parents Are Aging
Becoming an age where you’re able to see the flaws in your parents that you never saw before is hard.
The thought of your parents declining makes you feel sick to your stomach. Parents, for better or worse, stir deep feelings in us all.
Friendships Become Fragile
It doesn’t matter if you’ve been close to someone for ten years. All it takes is some distance, a change in occupation, and then, you haven’t spoken in months. Essentially, friendships require effort and preventative maintenance like a car. If you want it to last, you’re going to have to keep in touch to show that you care.
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