“Unspoken Struggles: The Surprising Adult Challenges That Leave Us All Speechless”
Alcohol Eventually Catches Up With You
Once you enter your twenties, you’ll think you’re unstoppable at drinking. As soon as you reach 25, it can be hard to come out of the party lifestyle.
If you end up throwing parties in your mom’s basement for your 30th birthday, that’s a cry for help.
When Produce Goes Bad
We’re told it’s cheaper to buy in bulk than it is to dine out. Although this is often true, sometimes it feels like produce goes bad within 30 minutes.
Learning to buy groceries and cook is a challenge in itself.
Not Discovering Your True Passion
Reaching adulthood an not discovering your passion is okay. Your peers may have figured it out before you did and it can be frustrating.
Time is passing by in the blink of an eye, but everyone has a thing. If you know you want something, but aren’t sure what it is, seek the answer for it.
Living With Messy People Is Hard Enough
Even living with five people didn’t prepare you for how disgusting, stubborn, lazy and disrespectful roommates can truly be.
It seems easier if it was your family members, but with strangers, it’s another story. It’s just like, who are you and why are you like this?
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