“Unspoken Struggles: The Surprising Adult Challenges That Leave Us All Speechless”
Too Much Noise When You’re Moving Around
The pop, click, sigh, and groan sounds start in your twenties and carry on after that.
Sure, too much noise will inspire any adult to get off their butt and get a gym membership. The next thing you know, you’re feeling as fit as the Six Million Dollar Man.
Times Moving Too Fast, Man
Time speeds up as you get older. Although you were probably told this more than once as a kid, you likely never believed that would become true.
Now as an adult, it flies past you that’s much faster than Usain Bolt running on a track.
Not Cleaning Your House Is Punishment
Once you stop taking care of your house, it comes back to haunt you.
So much of your adult life is spent doing these endless four chores: dishes, laundry, cleaning your room and floors. Yup, it’s a total pain in the butt, but having a cold one after cleaning is a reward.
Budget, Budget, Budget
Your teachers didn’t do a good enough job at this. Budgeting your money is one of the most challenging tasks you go through as an adult.
If you keep track of your spending, good for you. If you don’t, well, you’ll be burning through all your money before you realize you can’t pay rent.
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