“Unveiled Secrets: 51 Chilling Online Encounters That Still Haunt Those Who Lived Them”

"Unveiled Secrets: 51 Chilling Online Encounters That Still Haunt Those Who Lived Them"

Pennachini19 , Heber Davis/unsplash (not the actual photo) Report


Close-up of a purple insect under a microscope, related to darkest stories found online. A dude who had a sick fetish for parasites

He willingly infected himself with and sustained as many parasites as he could, and what’s more, he spread them around as much as he could, to as many people as he could.

Of course, I speak in past-tense, but there’s no telling if this guy stopped. He had not expressed any intention of stopping when he wrote his confession. I forgot what sub he wrote this in.

ladybabegyal , Alexander Zabrodskiy/unsplash (not the actual photo) Report


Person adjusting a boiler control panel with gloved hands, symbolizing "dark stories" maintenance and technical repair. The darkest one I remember, but can’t find was I believe an off my chest / confession.

Guy was a gas fitter or plumber and installed a hot water heater in a families basement. The next day the police had found the family had died of CO2 poisoning and had him come to check for a leak.

He said it was his fault as he had left a rag in the wrong spot which had caused the gasses to build up, he removed the rag to hide the evidence and it was deemed a tragic accident.

Charlie_Brodie , Heiko Ruth/pexels (not the actual photo) Report

Fireplace with burning logs, casting a warm glow, evoking haunting stories found online. There was a comment that somebody left on one of those “what’s something you’ve done that still haunts you” type threads that I read back in 2015 and I still think about it today. A guy admitted that when he was 8 years old, he was playing with the fire in the fireplace while his family was sleeping (just now occurring to me that they definitely should have put out the fire before going to bed though so it’s really not all his fault) but he was like poking it and a piece of log jumped out and before he could process what was happening the fire got bigger and most of his family died, but he survived. Not sure if it’s true or not, but I just think about the guilt he must feel in his everyday life.

Snowflakexxbabii , Hayden Scott/unsplash (not the actual photo) Report


Person holding a green lightsaber, ready for action in a tense scene. There is a redditor, u/imflukeskywalker – who was very well known in the Cincinnati area for his charity work. He looked remarkably similar to Mark Hamill, and would dress up as Luke Skywalker and go around children’s hospitals visiting them and bringing them toys. He was eventually caught with CP and k**led himself before he could be properly sentenced, it was a huge shock to the community but we all probably should’ve seen it coming.

gayj_exe Report


Empty crib next to a wall with blue blankets and a basket of books; evokes a haunting atmosphere. That one about the guy and his wife who had a kid and that kid turned out to be crazy and one day he caught the kid holding a knife over their new born baby. The wife beat the absolute dog s**t out of the kid and left him for dead basically. After a day or two they never saw him again.

I could be remembering some details wrong but that’s the jist of it.

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