“Unveiled Secrets: 51 Chilling Online Encounters That Still Haunt Those Who Lived Them”
This girl is r/sh**momgroupssay about the mom who gave birth outside in a bathtub, labored for like 2 days, refused medical care, baby wasn’t breathing for MINUTES when born. and the last update we had (that Ik of) was that at 9 months old baby couldn’t sit up on their own, or feed themselves. Or HOLD UP their own head.
I don’t know if it quite fits, but I remember coming across a post that had a bunch of updates. I lost track of it for a while then stumbled across it again and went down a rabbit hole reading every update. It was about a guy who works on historical buildings in the UK and has a specialist skill. He got fired by the big boss because he wouldn’t go fetch him a cup of tea and the big boss (not knowing the specialist field was this guy’s job) decided to throw his weight around.
It was a great read as there were multiple updates following the fall out of it all. Until there was an update to say OP had been in an accident. He was in hospital and his wife was posting at his request. Then… he died from complications. I’m not going to lie, I ugly cried for this man that I had never met.
I don’t know if the original posts are still available but it’s available here:
Part 1
Part 2
There were 2 no sleep stories that have stuck with me. One was about a guy going through depression where he eventually tries to end it. The way the writer describes the depression, is spot on. Talks about the lights going dim, how he tries to tell his family he needs help but that’s not what comes out.
The other story is about a kidnapping of a child. The kidnapper takes the kids life fairly quick. Then he sends ransom notes to the family, with proof of life photos taken before the child’s death, or faked in some way, I can’t remember. The family agrees to pay the ransom, all the police the family everyone goes to the meet up point. The kidnapper goes to the family home and erases all images of the child. That was his goal the whole time.