“Unveiled Secrets: 72 Couples Share Shocking Oddities They Hid Before Moving In Together!”

"Unveiled Secrets: 72 Couples Share Shocking Oddities They Hid Before Moving In Together!"

SuperfluousPedagogue Report

We started as a long distance relationship, moved in together and it became clear very quickly that she was a hide-the-bottles kind of alcoholic.

norulesday Report

He automated his workday morning routine. No deviations even when there’s an obvious issue. Will respond to verbal stimulus but no communication should be considered accurate because he’s still asleep for about a half hour.

So yeah, if we wake up at the same time, I’m ready to talk and plan and joke, and he is doing the routine. If I impede him, he will mess up his routine and possibly forget to change into pants.

anon Report


She spends money like it’s unlimited.

anon Report

Sock, shoe
Sock, shoe

I married him anyway. It still shocks me when he does it. Even 30 years later.

Jenk1972 Report


My wife makes no effort to squeeze out any remaining toothpaste. No roll up, no squeeze from the bottom, the second it’s a little difficult she throws it away.

Mental_Guarantee8963 Report


Someone Asked What Weird Habits Partners Hid Before Moving In And 72 Folks Had Some Dirty Secrets My ex husband used to suck his thumb. I caught him doing it one night was so bizarre seeing this big man covered in tattoos sucking his thumb.

AmbassadorWilling479 Report

When I moved in with my then-BF, I realized that when he’d take a shower, he wouldn’t dry himself at all. He’d just put on a robe, let it absorb what it had to, and would stew in it for the next few hours until it was time to go to bed.

ladyteruki Report


When she wakes up in the middle of the night, she has a sugar craving. Not weird by itself, but the most common way that she satisfies this craving is by either shooting whipped cream straight into her mouth, or by coating a Fudge Round with whipped cream so much that you can’t actually see the original treat.

Samnesia7 Report


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