“Unveiled Secrets: 72 Couples Share Shocking Oddities They Hid Before Moving In Together!”

"Unveiled Secrets: 72 Couples Share Shocking Oddities They Hid Before Moving In Together!"

Keyspam102 , creativityart / freepik Report

Someone Asked What Weird Habits Partners Hid Before Moving In And 72 Folks Had Some Dirty Secrets He would pee in the sink instead of walking ten more feet to the bathroom. He is my ex now.

Arthropody , freepik Report


Someone Asked What Weird Habits Partners Hid Before Moving In And 72 Folks Had Some Dirty Secrets Saving the used cat litter. Literally 15 or so 33 gallon trash bags filled with dirty cat litter from the last five years he’d lived there, all broken open and with bugs living in them in the closet next to his room.

emilyfish01 , EyeEm Report



Someone Asked What Weird Habits Partners Hid Before Moving In And 72 Folks Had Some Dirty Secrets She sprints up and down the stairs. She just hates being on the stairs, so she makes it as fast as possible. It’s insane to watch her calmly walk to the stairs then just automatically start sprinting.

Zwolley , freepik Report

In the early ‘80’s. Moved in with an Iranian chick who had recently escaped from the islamic revolution. After our first weekend together, while she was in the shower, I started cleaning up the mess I helped make. I was washing the dishes when she walked in. She completely freaked out. “.. stop ..stop..what are you doing…”. And she kept looking out the window…turns out it was some kinda deadly sin for a man to do her house work…making the woman some kind of dishonorable so & so. And the worst part was she was in a complete panic that someone walking past might see me washing dishes. We just had sex all weekend . . . But me doing to dishes was a some kinda sin ???? Weird s**t for a guy from Los Angeles.

Just to clarify. This wasn’t meant to be a comment about religion. Any religion. Just some wierd s**t i experienced.

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