“Unveiled Secrets: 72 Couples Share Shocking Oddities They Hid Before Moving In Together!”

"Unveiled Secrets: 72 Couples Share Shocking Oddities They Hid Before Moving In Together!"

ImpressiveMind5771 Report


My ex had big fingers that wouldn’t fit in his nose which he was always picking. He would use tweezers and he’d scratch the inside of his nose causing it to bleed. He would leave his boogers everywhere in the bathroom. The sink, the shower, wipe them onto the rim of the trash can. When I broke up with him and he moved out I was finding bloody boogers all over my apartment for months afterwards. It was so damn disgusting!

KristyKaboom Report

He would keep the TV on for background noise. As soon as we walked into the apartment, he would zoom over to the TV and turn it on and leave it like that. We inadvertently had a silent war of him turning it on and me turning it off all day. I finally realized it was slowly driving me crazy and had to explain to him that all the constant noise was hurting my brain and it was me or the TV.

I didn’t have a problem with the TV on while he’s actually watching it (at a normal volume) but him moving around the apartment with god knows what blaring from the TV was wayyyy too overstimulating. It was almost 30 years ago when we really didn’t have the language to understand or explain sensory overload, he acted like I was just being controlling. It wasn’t until we had our baby, who couldn’t tolerate all the noise, that he finally realized it wasn’t just a ‘me’ thing. We don’t even keep a TV in the living area anymore. There’s one in the guest room and one in the master bedroom. He’s much more respectful and understanding of my (and the kids’) sensory sensitivity.

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