“Unveiled Secrets: New Discoveries of ‘Alien Mummies’ Challenge Everything We Know!”

In the fevered realm of extraterrestrial speculation, the saga of the so-called “alien mummies” discovered in Peru continues to boggle minds and ignite imaginations. Recent developments have only added to the intrigue—was that ghastly figure in the museum really not a human? With claims flying faster than UFO sightings, some experts scream “aliens!” while others insist they’re just run-of-the-mill mummies. But really, human or not, who knew mummification could be so divisive? And what’s this about new discoveries named Antonio and Paloma that seem to flaunt characteristics unlike anything we’ve seen before? These peculiar beings boast not only three fingers but also a legacy steeped in mystery that dates back to the Nazca civilization. As scientists debate their origins like it’s the latest Netflix drama, one can’t help but wonder—how much of our history remains cloaked in the unknown? Buckle up, folks; this tale is far from over. For the full scoop, check out the details here: LEARN MORE.

The discovery of supposed ‘alien mummies’, which have also been called ‘non-human alien corpses’, has been shrouded in even more mystery.

There were claims from some earlier this year claiming that the figures were indeed aliens after it a different set of figures found in 2023 were decidedly not extra-terrestrial.

These humanoid figures, discovered in Peru in 2017, still divides opinion, after one of the figures, María, had her fingertips scanned and it was determined that they were not human.

Ufologists believe that these figures have been hidden for over a millennium from us, while every official and scientist around has insisted that they are standard human mummies.

More has been discovered about the 'alien mummies' (ARV)

More has been discovered about the ‘alien mummies’ (ARV)

Their alien-like appearance has been enough to spark some conspiracy theories amongst people though.

Jois Mantilla has worked with those involved with the mummies that were uncovered in Peru, to find out more about their origins.

Nicknamed ‘Nazca mummies’, after the desert that they were found in, Mantilla thinks that they are thousands of years old, and once walked on this Earth.

But now, it looks like two new creatures, named Paloma and Antonio have been found, following the first discovery in 2017 by UFO-logist Jaime Maussan, though his discoveries were taken by authorities.

The two new figures also have three fingers like previous mummies, but have small, slanted eyes, and are said to be the size of ‘a short adult’.

They were recently analysed by Dr David Ruiz Vela, the former president of Peru’s Medical Association, and found that they are human-like organs with a brain structure, even claiming that Antonio had a stab wound in his chest.

Paloma had hair too, the first time this has happened with the mummies, while they are believed to be 1,500 years old.

Those that have worked on the bodies have also theorised that they were fossilised by algae, which has allowed them to be preserved for so long, as well as a highly toxic adhesive.

This material ‘does not match those of the time’, adding more questions and wonder about these figures.

The two newest corpses are different to anything discovered before (ARV)

The two newest corpses are different to anything discovered before (ARV)

These are not like previous mummies discovered by Maussan, as these two have different facial features and size, along with Antonio’s injury.

“He has a stab that broke his ribs on the left side of his chest, penetrating the chest, abdomen, liver and completely perforating him inside,” Dr Vela explained.

He added: “This is the first time we’ve found a dried body with hair, hair with copper-coloured characteristics,” claiming that the being lived for 60 years.

Recent imaging on Maria showed that she had similarities to a human, though anatomically, the creature was not.

But the team said that it was dated between 240AD and 383AD, alongside the ancient Nazca civilisation.

Peering inside the mummy using magnification examination, it was revealed had no hair or ears, instead only having ear canals.

For now, it looks like the mystery will continue to rage on.

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