“Unveiled: The Shadowy Missions That Intelligence Agencies Tried to Bury Forever!”
They Rode Off George Orwell’s Success

When you think of the CIA, you’re probably not jumping to the label of “blockbuster hit makers,” and rightly so. But, they did keep up with a few movie deals that happened after George Orwell died in 1950. The CIA secretly bought the film rights to two of Orwell’s most controversial books — Animal Farm and 1984.
They took an opportunity to turn his books into films that could help with their anti-communist agenda. The movie Animal Farm portrayed all the communists as pigs which were different than what Orwell had in his book version.
Air America’s Covert Operations

Air America operated from 1950 to 1976. It was a commercial airliner that seemed “innocent” and apolitical. The airliner served passengers from Baltimore, Detroit, Los Angeles and basically went from coast to coast.
It also conducted some pretty insane covert military missions overseas. The airline was used by the CIA for their operations in East Asia. They would fly military personnel and transport military equipment through the airline without anyone knowing.
The FBI Framing Elmer Pratt

Elmer Pratt served two tours in Vietnam and racked up some impressive medals. When he came back he joined the Black Panthers and was quickly promoted to the Minister of Defense for the party. The affiliation and title put him in the crosshairs of the FBI.