“Unveiling Nature’s Most Lethal Predators: Are You Brave Enough to Discover the Earth’s Deadliest Snakes?”
After biting its prey, the Blue-Bellied snake will hold on and continue to chew. Its venom contains coagulants, hemolysins, neurotoxins, and cytotoxins. These deadly snakes are found in Australia, in southeast Queensland and northeastern New South Wales.
The Mulga Is The Second-Longest Venomous Snake In Australia
The Mulga, or King Brown snake, is another deadly entry from Australia. This species typically grows from 6.6 to 8.2 feet long, with weights of 6.6 to 13.2 pounds. Some specimens can grow to 12 feet long!
Their venom acts on victims’ striated muscle and causes paralysis. The most recent death from a king brown snake bite was recorded in 1969. The antivenom for a Mulga bite comes from Black snakes.
The Largest Viper In Africa Is The Gaboon Viper
Gaboon Vipers, the largest vipers in Africa, can grow to weigh more than 45 pounds and extend to lengths of more than 6 feet. Some specimens have been found with heads measuring six inches across.
They’re excellent at camouflaging themselves since their coloring resembles leaves. This is how they catch their meals of small and medium-sized mammals and birds, by waiting in hiding until an unsuspecting victim happens along. Most human bites occur when a person doesn’t see the snake and accidentally steps on it.