“Unveiling the Brotherhood: Discover the Secret Rules Every Hells Angel Must Obey!”
The rules about protecting these sacred patches are so strict it is even rumored that Hells Angels members must refuse to let doctors cut through the patches if bodily trauma needs to be taken care of!
Consent Is Required

Despite their tough reputation, it should be clear by now that the Hells Angels require members to show quite a bit of respect and restraint. This rule even applies to their interactions with women.
Any member must get consent. Taking advantage of women is unacceptable and the club has a zero tolerance policy towards this behavior. Break that policy and a member will find themselves in a world of hurt!
They Don’t Talk About Missing Members

As respectful as the organization can seem, the Hells Angels are also very secretive and protective about its members. This protection even extends to anyone associated with the club who has gone missing.
Members, as you know, are not allowed to talk to the media about members, but they also should not discuss other members with anyone not associated with the club. This not only protects the privacy of members, but it also protects them from law enforcement when necessary.
Some Charters Will Allow Non-Harleys Under One Condition

Across the Hells Angels organization, it is widely accepted that the only motorcycles members can ride are Harley Davidsons. We even wrote it as one of the rules earlier. While most charters abide by this rule, some will allow members to ride non-Harleys as long as their bikes are American made.