“Unveiling the Brotherhood: Discover the Secret Rules Every Hells Angel Must Obey!”
Hells Angels have been known to engage in criminal activity at times. The group stands for freedom in the sense that they run by their own rules, so prison guards and law enforcement officers wouldn’t exactly fit in with the crowd.
You Can’t Share Information About Fellow Members

Another reason Hells Angels can’t be in law enforcement is because the group has a strict discretionary policy. If a member were to rat out a fellow brother, they could expect to get kicked out of the group.
The Hells Angels website clearly states, “We do not answer questions about members,” not even missing ones. Their secrecy is meant to keep everyone in the group protected as they place loyalty to one another above all else.
Once A Hells Angel, Always A Hells Angel

Once you’re an official Hells Angel, there’s no backing out. Members don’t retire, and the only time they exit the group is if they’re kicked out for breaking a rule. Your charter essentially becomes a second family.
The Hells Angels spend a ton of time together and members have already known one another for years by the time they join. When one of them passes away, everyone unites to honor the memory of their fallen brother.
No Talking To The Media

Since the Hells Angels are very secretive in their activities, none of them are allowed to talk to the media. This not only protects the group as a whole but also helps enforce the rule that members don’t talk about one another.