“Unveiling the Brotherhood: Discover the Secret Rules Every Hells Angel Must Obey!”
Many of the Hells Angels have wives and families. If he’s going to be a part of the crew, then his partner has to understand the commitment and be okay with the lifestyle and all that comes with it.
Not Just Anyone Can Start A Charter

As with joining a charter, creating one doesn’t just happen overnight. The Hells Angels website explains, “Motorcycle Clubs consist of people who have ridden together for years, live in the same area, are known by the community, have runs and parties, and are a brotherhood.”
It takes years, even decades, to become that established. Only then would you consider morphing your group into a Hells Angels charter. That’s why the website states that when you’re ready to start a charter, you won’t have to ask how.
You Don’t Want To Break The Rules

Breaking the Hells Angels rules puts members in a position they’ll strongly regret. Since the motor club is secretive and full of loyal participants, there’s no telling what will be done to someone who betrays the brotherhood.
Investigator Julian Sher claims that the group has burned off the tattoos of past members who broke the rules. The worst form of punishment is being kicked out of the club, resulting in complete banishment from other members.
Don’t Question The Missing Apostrophe

Grammar nerds will have already noticed that Hells Angels is missing an apostrophe. Since the angels belong to hell, there should be a possessive apostrophe between “Hell” and “s.” The group is all about breaking the rules, so it’s fitting they don’t obey the grammar.