“Unveiling the Depths: 866 Mysterious New Species, Including a Guitar Shark and a Mud Dragon, Discovered in the Ocean Census!”

"Unveiling the Depths: 866 Mysterious New Species, Including a Guitar Shark and a Mud Dragon, Discovered in the Ocean Census!"

Currently, scientists have identified roughly 240,000 marine species, but that is not even close to the projected 1 to 2 million more that call our oceans home. Even when a new species is discovered, it can take an average of 13.5 years to properly identify and catalogue — leaving these animals at risk of going extinct before they are even fully identified.

Supported by hundreds of scientists and organizations worldwide, the Ocean Census has made it its mission to streamline species identification and uncover at least 100,000 new marine species in the next eight years. So far, this global alliance has conducted 10 expeditions around the world, supported by teams of divers, submersibles, and remotely operated vehicles.

In a new press release, the Ocean Census announced that it has discovered 866 new marine species in the roughly 16 months since its inception, including new species of shark, coral, shrimp, crab, reef fish, and much more.

All of these new species have been recorded in the Ocean Census Biodiversity Data Platform, allowing researchers and the general public to view the discoveries. The organization has also created eight Species Discovery Workshops led by taxonomists from around the world, allowing for the rapid identification of new species through the use of high-resolution imaging and genetic sequencing.

Highlights Of The Ocean Census’ 866 Newly-Discovered Marine Species

Discovered at depths of 3 to 6,300 feet in waters all around the world, the 866 newly identified marine creatures have revealed the vibrant diversity of our planet’s oceans.

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